The Out-Spoken Prize for Poetry 2023 is now OPEN.



£5 fee is payable for each entry, with a maximum of 5 entries per category from any one entrant.

Winners and Prize

There will be three category winners selected with the overall Prize for Poetry award given to one of the three winners. The overall winner will receive £700.


Opens for entries: Monday 15th January 2023
Deadline for submissions: Midnight, Tuesday 28th February 2023
Awards ceremony: Thursday 6th April 2023, Southbank Centre, London

A long-list is announced on social media a few weeks after the closing date followed by a short-list in late March. The category winners and overall winner will be announced at the Out-Spoken Awards show at Southbank Centre, central London, on Thursday 6th April 2023.

All shortlisted poets are requested to attend the awards ceremony on Thursday 6th April to read/perform their pieces on the night. The performance category longlist and shortlist will be selected from the submitted films, with the final winner chosen in part based on performances on the evening of the awards ceremony. In the case that the event is unable to take place or entrants are unable to attend, performances will be judged based on submitted films.

How To Enter

Entrants are required to purchase and download the Out-Spoken Prize entry form. All required information must be filled in and then emailed to Please note that one entry form is only valid for ONE submission, if entrants wish to make more than one entry they should purchase MULTIPLE forms.

Terms and Conditions Eligibility


Page poems submitted must not have been published previously or won any other awards.

All work submitted into the competition must be the work of a single poet and must be predominantly in English.

All work submitted into the competition must be the original work of the entrant. Anyone thought to be plagiarising material will be immediately disqualified from the competition and will forfeit their submission fee.

All entrants are requested to please be available (COVID risks/restrictions permitting) to attend the award ceremony on the evening of Thursday 6th April 2023 where they will be asked to read/perform/introduce their poem.

In all cases the organiser’s ruling on the eligibility or ineligibility of a poem will be final and binding.


The Prize will be judged by a panel of 4 judges. The competition organisers reserve the right to change the judging panel without notice. The decision of the judges is final and binding, and they will not enter into any correspondence with entrants regarding their decisions. The judges may choose to jointly award the prize, or highly commend a number of additional poems as well as the winner.

For the performance category, submitted films will be used to select a longlist and shortlist, with the final winner chosen (where possible) based in part on performances during the awards ceremony. In the case that the event is unable to take place or entrants are unable to attend, performances will be judged based on submitted films.

Reproduction of poems

The copyright of each poem remains with the author; however, the winning poems will be published on the Out-Spoken website and social media channels. By entering the competition, the poet grants Out-Spoken the right in perpetuity to publish their poem on the Out-Spoken website, in our newsletter, in associated publications, on social media channels, and in press materials and emails for the purposes of marketing the publication, the Prize or associated work.


Page Poetry

This category is for entrants who wish to submit any style of written poetry ranging from traditionalist page, free verse and experimental.

- An example of a previous winner -

Performance Poetry

This category refers to live spoken word performance pieces. You will be judged on performance and execution so please make sure the footage is clearly audible as judges will not be able to mark entries with poor sound and visual quality.

The performance category will be judged as a slam on the evening of the Out-Spoken Awards ceremony.

- An example of a previous winner -

Poetry in film

This category is for those who wish to submit poetry films. Pieces must not exceed the 10 minutes time and the film must include the poem either being read by a narrator or have it featured as subtitles.

- An example of a previous winner -
