We are delighted to announce that award-winning poet Wayne Holloway-Smith will be taking on the role of Editor for 2022, where he will be responsible for commissioning authors and bringing seven new poetry titles to publication.
Holloway-Smith says:
“I have long admired Out-Spoken for the risks it’s willing to take as a press, in opening up space and bringing exciting new voices into the world. Its focus is always aimed on moving the art forward, and I hope to be able to contribute in this way, during my time as guest editor.”
Out-Spoken founder Anthony Anaxagorou says 'Wayne is one of the most interesting and compelling voices in British poetry. His generosity and input over the years has seen him work critically with many poets at all different stages in their careers. I can't think of anyone better placed to be taking over the role as editor of Out-Spoken Press for a year.'
Wayne Holloway-Smith won the National Poetry Competition in 2018. His second collection, Love Minus Love, was shortlisted for the TS Eliot Prize in 2020. He lives in London.
Submissions for Holloway-Smith’s tenure, for both full collections and pamphlets, will be open from 1 April to 31 May 2021 — check back on our Submissions page for when the portal goes live.